Then save the game & exit to windows.(Any ship will do as long you remember the ship class.) If playing as a federation late era, you will start with an 'F-FF' frigate. Prestige Points 2įirstly start a campaign game, any race & era will do. Load game then go to Shipyard menu.You will notice the trade in value of your ship is high.Trade in your ship, big or small your choice and in return you will also get an extra prestige from the balance.You can repeat over and over again. At the 'F-FF' 'BPV' value change to 1000 or higher.Save then return to game. Open the file called 'sfbspc13.txt' and it is located in 'assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt' in the main directory of the game using Exel. If playing as a federation late era, you will start with an 'F-FF' frigate.Then save the game & exit to windows.(Any ship will do as long you remember the ship class.) Firstly start a campaign game, any race & era will do.